Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pilgrim's Progress and New Year

My bedroom is being made like new.  New curtains to replace old ones, new bookshelves and new books given to me by someone who is transforming her own small house.  C S Lewis' nonfiction books in a boxed set, books about being your own unique self and not becoming a copy of everyone living around you, books by Gene Edwards(someone like C S Lewis and Jim Stoval), books on hearing the Voice of God, and a special book: red wrinkles and golden designs on a classic red hardcover book that doesn't look dirty like many old books I've seen.  The Pilgrim's Progress.  A wonderful book.  I have only read "Little Pilgrim's Progress" for school a long time ago, but reading this will be a treat for my poetry-thirsty mind.  A red ribbon bookmark and words written from the author to the reader defending his book.  "I took my pen up with delight.  Quickly I had my thoughts in black and white."  "... Forbear to judge till you do further see."  And this "apology from the author" is an actual poem many pages long.
I am waiting for the Hobbit Part One: An Unexpected Journey.  But I shall have fun writing my books as I wait.


  1. Ah, yes. Elementery-adapted Pilgrims Progress in young homeschooling years! Memories!

  2. I found you! Nice blog =) My mom loves Gene Edwards and the books of his that I read I thought were really good too!

    1. Yay! That's cool. Makes me want to read them even more!
