Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Hobbit Trailer and Other Things

For many are called, but few are chosen.
~~~Matthew 22:14

Have you seen the new Hobbit trailer yet?  It is really cool and I am more excited than before now that it is out. :D
Radegast the Brown in the trailer, is the Seventh Doctor from Doctor Who in disguise!  Really, it's him! 
Merry Tolkien Week, Happy Talk like a Pirate Day, and two more Tolkien holidays are to be here on Friday and Saturday: Hobbit's 75th Anniversary and Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday!  So mark your calenders.

Keep the light as the first thing before your eyes so that it may light your path and keep you from stumbling angrily and afraid in the dark.  Make the Light your lamp and let it guide you on your path for your own race, so that you may confront every terrible truth of life with enduring hope, faith, love, and compassion; for these things are of the Light.
You are never alone.
~~~~Emilyn J Wood

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