Friday, June 17, 2011

All Types of Keys

Rays of a setting sun fall through space and cloud, leaf and feather, branch and glass, to rest in my short dark but now golden hair.
I was hiding in a corner of the forest of pages and covers and doors.  Spidery long white fingers clawed at a new but old book that I had never noticed before in our library.  A single word painted in calligraphy on the faded brown doors echoed in my mind; Elfsong.  A girl, little people who ride the backs of cats, the mysterious other side of the languages; the languages of animals.

There are so many things I could call a library:  an active museum of dead, sliced, painted, decorated trees collected into stories.  A forest of pages and doors and covers.  A library.  A vast collection of stories packed into sections woven together with thread, glue, and fabric, put together on shelves.  History.  Nonfiction.  Fantasy.  Science Fiction.  Mysteries.  Romance Novels.  Westerns.  Historical Fiction.

The Keys to the door of a book are your curious fingers and a dedicated mind.  Will you emerge yourself completely into an unknown book that you have never heard of before and just now met at the library?  It depends on whether or not it is a children's book, an innocent story about innocent children, or a journey through uncharted woods and lands, or an adult book with a terrible design on the door.  No!  Don't pick up that one; that door into the maze of words looks too scary, or too weird, or too unfamiliar and dark.

The keys to a piano, I press down.  Sound vibrates, music echoes, an emotion plays into your mind, creating and painting a picture.  Sadness, a cold knife against your chest, threatening to break your heart.  Then tears of joy realizing the comfort of our God. 

And at last I come to a familiar song I have heard before I have played it.  A song that makes me feel like everyone has a purpose; a mission; an important job and adventure in life.  From Doctor Who tv show.
If a friend of mine hadn't sent me a similar link, I probably wouldn't be a Doctor Who fan today.  Listen to all of it.  It reminded me of many things.

And another key; the key to heaven is Jesus who died and came back to life after three days.  He was killed and betrayed by us.  We beat him up.  We called him names.  Now-days, people use his name without talking to him or about him.  They just say it as if it is the most normal word to use in the English language.  Anyway, Jesus knew he was going to be killed.  He let them.  He took all our wrong-doings onto himself and took the penalty of it so that we wouldn't have to.  When we die, we can go to heaven.  We just need to accept God's gift.  Becoming a disciple of Christ is the most exciting and important thing that you can ever choose.

Anyway.  Have fun and enjoy the music!  Jesus is alive!  Now go out there and do what you were born to do!  Oh happy day.  Have a merry day!


  1. Amazing! I believed I was reading an incredible in-depth poem till I got around the end and relized it was how you wrote! It's wonderful, makes it where you can't tear your eyes away until it finishes. I re-read it twice. Very very great! I randomly found you while clicking on my intrests under my profile and seeing other users who had the same, you were the first to come up under "Nancy Drew" I hope it was oki for me to subscribe! Anyway, I love your creative hand & mind! Truly amazing!

  2. That's perfectly fine! You're the first person outside of family who has 'followed' me. But that's sort of normal since I started blogging just this year. Thanks! Sometimes I just have to write something and a poem just tumbles out of me. Yes, I like reading Nancy Drew(have you heard of the computer games for Nancy Drew? They're pretty fun), and LOTS of other books.

  3. Wow, you've got real talent. It was so lyrical. I loved it!
    Wow, I love Nancy Drew, too! The computer games are far to complicated for me, however. lol
